Wednesday, October 19, 2011

why another Blog??

Hello All~
I am creating a new blog to make myself accountable to myself first of all, and to track my progress.
What will I be doing? Beginning Oct 31st I will be doing a 28 day raw program called The Garden Diet or 28 Day Raw Transition Diet, followed by a 21 Day Cleanse. The program is amazing, please check it out for yourself at There, for only $147 you will get a step-by-step guide to help you clean up your diet, regardless if you plan to go 100% raw afterwards, and much much more. There are too many perks to mention, but one that makes this all worthwhile (to me), is that weekly you get a one hour, over-the-phone consultation/discussion with longtime raw foodists to answer/discuss any and all questions you have. This is remarkable in itself, and well worth the money.
Over the last few years as I have endeavored down different paths (vegan, juicing feasting/fasting, raw foods..) I have had sooo many questions and they can't be answered by just anyone, at least not for me to trust the advice. So getting to speak directly with someone who has been through this all and is happy and healthy, is priceless!!
As a major bonus too, available to the participants on this journey, is a weekly (seemingly affordable from what I can read) grocery list already prepared for us, as well of course daily recipes. If this at all sounds like something you might be interested in, please read over their blog and the testimonials. From my food adventures, this sounds very down-to-earth! I'm highly impressed.
Well the big day starts Oct 31st! Starting with the 28 Day Transition, then immediately we go into the 21 Day Cleanse. I can't wait to complete it and give my honest review of it. More importantly, I can't wait to actually go through these programs and re-learn how to treat my body and be in tune with it.
All my love to those of you who are wanting to go down this journey with me by either doing it or reading my blog as I embark on this path.